
These Spiritual Practitioners are all highly trained and experienced in their respective fields of different modalities of human and animal healing, spiritual counselling, psychic and mediumship readings and assisting you in accessing and empowering your natural self. For more detailed information, or if you would like to make an appointment with one of them, please see their individual profiles.

Name: Kanina Wolff
Practice Location: Based in London. Global sessions available. All consultations take place online only.
Services offered: Spiritual counselling, trauma informed somatic therapy, energetic clearing and healing (please see below for further details), teaching, supervision.
Special interests: All levels of spirit release, psychic attack, ancestral healing and influences, spiritual crisis (awakenings, dark night of the soul etc.), energy management, spiritual bypassing, cord cutting, ETs, soul retrieval, curses, contracts, thought forms, programmes, inner child, past lives, highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths, reclaiming sense of self, energetic boundaries, self-empowerment, coping with adversity and change, post traumatic growth, trauma and the soma, somatic work, spiritual resilience, cults and spiritual groups (de-programming).
Qualifications/training:   Accredited Spiritual Counsellor (certified with the Complementary Medical Association), Reiki Master Teacher, Somatic Trauma Therapy as well as extensive psychic, mediumship, spirit/energy identification and release training.
Other info: Currently unavailable for new client appointments.
Name: Paul Conquest (Conquest Holistics)
Practice Location: Online/Luton/Leighton Buzzard
Services offered: Spiritual Counselling, Reiki (distant and hands on), NLP, psychic & tarot readings, dream analysis, guided meditations, cord cutting, soul fragmentation.
Special interests: Alcoholism (for anyone affected by it) and grief arising from suicide.
Qualifications/training:   CMA accredited Spiritual Counsellor (Distinction), NLP Master Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner (10 years + experience). Advanced psychic practitioner training with Kanina Wolff (ongoing).
Other info: Occasional evening and weekend appointments available.
Name: Victoria Stratford
Practice Location: Online only – available worldwide.
Website: Please email for further information.
Services offered: Spiritual Counselling, Holistic Life Coaching, Psychic & Mediumship Readings, and Energy Healing & Clearing.
Special interests: Psychic & Mediumship Readings – for those wishing to connect more deeply with themselves or their loved ones on the other side. Spiritual Counselling & Coaching – for those seeking longer-term support for grief, anxiety, depression, spiritual crisis, life transitions, crisis of meaning, relationships, and overall self-development & personal growth. Energy Healing & Clearing – for those needing more extensive energetic support with cord cutting, dream work, spirit release, psychic attack, ETs, ancestral healing, and energy management.
Qualifications/training:   CMA accredited Spiritual Counsellor, advanced Psychic and Medium training with the School of Intuition & Healing and Donna Stewart, EMCC accredited Holistic Coaching Practitioner with the Psychosynthesis Coaching Institute.
Other info: Flexible with times - weekend and evenings available.
Name: Lisa Levy
Practice Location: Based in Cape Town, available in-person or online, internationally
Services offered: Energy healing and clearing, Reiki, Crystal healing, Tarot, Gypsy card and Psychic readings, and Spiritual Mentorship. Ancestral healing, clearing inter-generational patterns, cord cutting, soul retrieval, and psychic attack.
Special interests: The human condition. Deeply empathetic with an investment in assisting clients with their personal and spiritual growth and development. Spiritual guidance. Supporting clients who suffer from post-traumatic stress, ADHD, relationship issues, personal crisis, anxiety, or depression. Clearing out of redundant conditioning, programs, negative thought forms, trapped trauma, and emotional patterns that may be holding clients back in their lives.
Qualifications/training:   B. Soc. sc. Psychology Honours degree, UCT (Distinction), Distinction in Energy Healing, International School of Intuition and Healing. Advanced Tarot training, School of Intuition and Healing, Level one and two Reiki attunement, Samantha Reid Reiki Master, Cape Town. Crystal healing, Debbie Caknis, Cape Town. Ongoing advanced Psychic and Spiritual development training with Kanina Wolff, YNS, UK.
Other info: Free fifteen-minute chemistry session available. Currently available for new client appointments, weekdays Monday–Friday.
Name: Jess Cook
Practice Location: Located in Lewes, East Sussex. All sessions are currently online via Zoom/Skype.
Services offered: Multi-dimensional energy healing, spiritual counselling and space clearing.
Special interests: The elemental realm. Earth and landscape energies. Ancient and sacred sites. People's relationship with their environment and their sense of home. Ancestral and past life healing, curses and contracts, spirit release, soul retrieval, energy management, grief and trauma healing, inner child and chronic health conditions.
Qualifications/training:   Accredited Spiritual Counsellor (certified with the Complementary Medical Association) and Energy Healing Practitioner. Advanced psychic training with Kanina Wolff and Sue Allen, advanced mediumship training with Kanina Wolff and Donna Stewart and space clearing training with Sue Allen.
Other info: I offer a 30 min free call to discuss how I may be able to help. I work weekdays and daytimes only.
Name: B-J Raben (Sophiero Healing)
Practice Location: Generally online for Spiritual Counselling and Psychic Readings (potential in-person appointments available if client feels strongly about it). Remote and in-person offered for treatments. Practice located in south west London.
Services offered: Spiritual Counselling, Psychic Readings, Reiki & Crystal Healing treatments, cord cutting, ancestral healing, soul retrieval, inner child work, energy management.
Special interests: Supporting and empowering clients going through spiritual, mental, emotional or physical challenges. A strong empathy towards those experiencing issues around addiction, cancer and grief, whether themselves or connected to their loved ones.
Qualifications/training:   CMA Accredited Spiritual Counsellor, Trained Psychic, CNHC Approved Reiki Practitioner & Master Teacher, Crystal Healing Practitioner & Master Teacher.
Other info:
Name: Gill Webb
Practice Location: Located in East Sussex for in-person appointments. Online/remote sessions also available.
Website: Please email for further information.
Services offered: Energy healing – for humans and animals, domestic animal healing and communication, dog massage, animal bereavement counselling, equine healing (from Feb 2024).
Special interests: In my cabin I welcome both humans and animals into the healing energy, giving you and/or your animal companions the space to be away from life's hustle and bustle. I am passionate about animals, particularly the partnership a guardian and their animal have and how they can affect each other through ill health, suffering or behaviour. I have extensive experience in dog training which helps me to offer further support and guidance where appropriate. My own dog is a qualified therapy dog and so we regularly work alongside children and the elderly giving care and healing where needed.
Qualifications/training:   Qualified with distinction as an Energy Healer from the School of Intuition and Healing, Usui Reiki Master, extensive, advanced training in mediumship and psychic development with Donna Stewart, qualified Domestic Animal Healer & Communicator with the Healing Animal Organisation, qualified Dog Masseuse, Animal Bereavement Counselling and, as of Feb 2024, qualified Equine Healer and Communicator.
Other info: Animal healing sessions involve a full consultation on the animal’s lifestyle, welfare and nutritional preferences. In the healing, animals are able to communicate telepathically.
Name: Janey Fligelstone
Practice Location: Practice located in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Online and in-person sessions available.
Website: Prefers to work on basis of referrals and recommendations.
Services offered: Spiritual Counselling, Reiki, NLP, EFT, Soul Transformation Therapy and Soul Plan readings.
Special interests: Janey has developed a system of intuitive exploration with clients and offers 'Soul Readings', which bring together many of the approaches described and provide insights at an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level.
Qualifications/training:   Fully qualified and CMA accredited Spiritual Counsellor, Reiki Master Teacher (Usui, Holy Fire and Karuna Reiki), Psychic, Medium and NLP Master Practitioner. She has trained in a number of diverse healing modalities, including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Language and Behaviour Profiling, Soul Transformation Therapy (STT) and Soul Plan.
Other info: Janey's background includes business and psychology, and she has worked with large organisations helping transform both management and marketing strategies. She draws on this experience for clients who are dealing with career related issues.
Name: Harinderjit Saini
Practice Location: Located in West London. I am offering sessions online via Zoom.
Services offered: Spiritual Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Counselling.
Special interests: I offer a combination of Spiritual Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Counselling. I have an intuitive approach and work on any areas where a client feels they are limited in their lives and have low self-esteem amongst other concerns. Each client is unique in what they bring and I am open to working with them with compassion and kindness so that eventually they come back to the innate wisdom that resides within their own being and where they can lead a life they desire.
Qualifications/training:   Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy, Diploma in Spiritual Counselling, CMA Accredited Spiritual Counsellor and Reiki Master.
Other info: I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation. Appointments are available Monday to Thursday only.
Name: Digby Warren
Practice Location: Based in London. Online and in-person sessions available.
Services offered: Spiritual (holistic) counselling, spiritual (energy) healing, and intuitive coaching.
Special interests: Facilitating clients going through emotional, mental or spiritual challenges to connect with their own insights and innate resources and feel more empowered in their healing and life journey, to achieve their aspirations and purpose.
Qualifications/training:   Accredited Spiritual Counsellor (with the Complementary Medical Association) qualified through the UK School of Intuition and Healing (course led by Sue Allen), and Energy Healing Practitioner, qualified though and long voluntary service with The Healing Trust (UK national charity).
Other info: Background of considerable experience in education and staff development to draw on when assisting clients. I offer a free online consultation to discuss how I may be able to help.
Name: Jade Wavamunno
Practice Location: Practice located in London. Currently only offering online (Skype) appointments.
Website: Please email for further information.
Services offered: Psychic readings, Reiki healing and Life Coaching.
Special interests: Healing behavioural patterns after abuse/trauma, empowering individuals at the beginning of their spiritual journey, tarot/angel cards, ancestral patterns and influences.
Qualifications/training:   Certified in Life Coaching and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy from The Institute of Counselling. Attuned to Reiki Levels 1 & 2 from The Reiki Academy. Extensive spiritual development and advanced psychic training with Kanina Wolff and Sue Allen at the School of Intuition & Healing (UK).
Other info: Evening and weekend appointments available.